Decoding blocking issue caused by newly included MPlayer/MEncoder MTMPlayer/MEncoder多线程版本导致的解码阻塞问题 (Stanley posted on March 2nd, 2010 )

Since MediaCoder 0.7.3, multi-threaded version of MPlayer and MEncoder are included in the full pack  distribution (in the past only included in optimization packs). However, as the MT version of MPlayer/MEncoder is still experimental, its inclusion brings some problems with MediaCoder. Decoding of Some H.264 files (mainly MKV) is blocked sometimes. If you encounter this issue, a workaround is to disabling multi-threaded decoding. You can do this by clicking Source button on Video tab. A pop up dialog should display the options of MEncoder and clicking “Decoding threads” and put a value of 1 (meaning single thread) in the blank at the bottom of the dialog.MediaCoder 0.7.3刚发布了几个星期,一些用户发现新版本没有过去稳定。经过调查,发现主要问题是因为新版本采用了多线程版的MPlayer来进行H.264解码,而这个多线程版本目前还不是非常稳定,过去只在处理器优化包中包含。主要现象是解码一些H.264的MKV文件时,MediaCoder会阻塞住。如果您遇到这样的问题,一个解决方法是禁用多线程解码,具体操作如下:

  1. 点击“视频”栏上的“来源”按钮
  2. 在弹出的对话框中,选中Decoding threads选项
  3. 在对话框下方的值改为1(解码线程数)

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